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Hurst Primary School

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I can't find something on the school website - how do I find it?

We aim to make the content on the website as easy to find as possible, categorising sections.  The search facility is an excellent tool to use.  Located on the top right hand side of the home screen, just type in what you are looking for and all the related pages will be displayed.

I am having trouble logging into Google Classroom.  Please help!

If you have forgotten your child's log in details for Google Classroom, please email the school office who will be happy to reset the password for you.

I am having trouble logging into Tapestry (Years Reception and Nursery only).  Please help!

If you have forgotten your log in details for your child's Tapestry account, please email the school office who will be happy to reset the password for you. 

Something on the website isn't working or isn't available - what should I do?

If anything on the website isn't quite right, please let us know. Email with details of the page and what isn't right, and we will try to fix it. 

 My child would like to change their meal option.  How do I go about doing this?

We understand that children change their minds on what they would like to eat.  We are happy to make changes to meal options but ask that changes are only made at the end of a half term.  However, if your child does want to make a change mid-term, please email

How do I check if my child is eligible for Free School Meals?

Please contact the school office who will be hapy to run a check for you.  They will need to know your full name, date of birth and National Insurance number.

What is a Universal Free School Meal? 

This is a government initiative where all children in a London primary school are provided with a school meal, should they want one.  

How do I speak to the School Nurse?

We have a number of qualified first aiders in school.  However, the School Nurse assigned to our school is not based on site. 

Our School Nurse is Marie Rogan.  Marie is based at the Bexley 0-19 Service Lakeside Health Centre, Yarnton Way, Thamesmead and can be contacted on 0300 330 5777 or via email:

I have a problem with the way parents/carers park when they visit the school.  What should I do?

We are sorry that on occasions local residents are inconvenienced by inconsiderate parking or driving associated with visitors to the school.  Please go to the Wellbeing and Community section of the school website for some help and guidance.

Which day is PE Day for my Child?

Each term the updated schedule is placed on the page of the website.

Do you have a forest school?

 Yes, we are very fortunate to have beautiful grounds here at Hurst and have a Forest School nestled into a wooded area on the EYFS/KS1 field

Can you put your name down for the breakfast club before being given a place at the school?

No, you must wait until your child has joined the school before you can book wraparound care.  For children joining the school in September, details of how to register and book places will be provided in June at our new parents' meeting.

Please contact the school office via email to:

Can you reserve breakfast and after school places week by week or do you have to book set days for the term?

Places can be booked in advance but are subject to availability.  Please visit our wraparound@hurst information page for full details.

How do you manage anxieties of children (& parents) about starting school when it is such a big transition for most, particularly summer born children?

The children are well supported by experienced staff when they join Hurst Primary School.  A staggered start ensures the children are not overwhelmed initially.  Even the youngest children settle in quickly with the support provided.

Do you have a list of which schools your children go on to attend?

Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School (mixed)

Bexley Grammar School (mixed)

Beths Grammar School for Boys

Townley Grammar School for Girls

Dartford Grammar Schools (boys and girls)

Wilmington Grammar Schools (boys and girls)


For those who go on to non-selective schools, the following are popular:

Cleeve Park (mixed)

Hurstmere School (boys)

Blackfen School (girls)

Chislehurst School (girls)

Is the 11+ an option for all children?

Yes, but parents have to register their children to take the test and this is open to all pupils. 

Do you have any transition days (a day where the children can to the school for the morning and stay for a bit to get settled in before they join?)

 Yes, full details will be provided once your child has been offered a place.

What are your class sizes?

Our classes have 30 children in them.

What phonics programme do you use?

 We use Twinkl Phonics in the Nursery and Reception to introduce the sounds that individual letters make.  

Which MFL do you teach or is there a range?

French is our chosen foreign language.

What is your school's improvement plan?

This is a working document that is used to set priorities and monitor progress throughout the year.  Our School Improvement Plan can be found on the school website.

Do the children start with half days or full days for first week?

Yes, we ease the children in by dismissing them before lunch on their first two days, after lunch on their third and fourth day, before staying full days thereafter.  It should be noted that this is subject to change – but we aim to make the induction as smooth and as speedy as possible.

On a practical note how busy does traffic get at drop off and pick up and how easy is it to park?

Parking around school is difficult at drop off and collection times – as it is in most schools in densely populated areas such as Bexley.  However, if parents have to drive to school (walking is better for everyone), leaving early enough to park a distance away and walking the last part of the journey is an option that we like to encourage.

How much homework do the children get?

Homework is given to all children from Reception to Year 6.  The amount increases as the children get older.  The most valuable work a child can do at home is to read daily so this is always championed by our teachers.  Year groups will then set weekly homework that will be a mixture of English and maths tasks.  Topic related projects are then set as holiday homework. 

Our Homework Policy can be found by visiting:

How do you settle in children who want to join reception but have not been to your nursery?

There is usually a fairly even split in our reception classes of children who have attended our nursery and those that have not.  Being a member of our nursery does not give an automatic place in our reception.  Staff will be made aware of those that have attended our nursery and those that have not, but we do not find that it usually makes much of a difference to the way that they settle in.  Any children who is struggling will be supported, regardless of their previous setting. 

What sort of extra activities do your provide? For example, do you have music lessons?

We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for the children – from musical theatre lessons and classical instrument lessons to football and gymnastics clubs.  Details of all the clubs offered can be found on the school website.

Is the learning enriched with school trips, and if so, how often?

Yes, usually children take part in day trips linked to their learning during the year with an end of year day trip in the summer term.  A residential trip is offered when the children are in Upper Key Stage 2. 

How are the classes decided? Birthday? Ability from a baseline test?

We aim to create three equally balanced classes by term of birth, gender, special educational need, etc.

Does their class stay the same through their time at the school?

Yes, the children remain with their class throughout their time at the primary school.  In vary rare circumstances would a child change class or the composition of a class be changed. 

Is there any language lessons such as French?

Yes, French is the foreign language of our choice and children learn French throughout their time at the school.

What is your policy on bullying?

We have a Behaviour Policy which can be found on the school website.

What about differentiation to stretch and challenge?

All children are challenged at Hurst in every lesson.  Work will be pitched so that is just right for each child and this may sometimes take the form of differentiated activities, more or less scaffolding of how to complete a task or extension/challenge tasks when the main activity is completed.  In maths we teach a mastery curriculum, so children are encouraged to master a concept in a variety of ways and show a deep understanding of a topic before moving on. 

How do you help gifted vs the less able?

All children are supported at Hurst to achieve as well as they possibly can.  This could involve adult support for children to help them access the curriculum, sessions to challenge the more able, support to pursue areas of talent E.g. musically or sporting.

What is your staff/pupil ratio at reception age and across every year. do you have teaching assistants

There is 1 teacher to a class of 30 children.  In the lower school, there is usually one general teaching assistant.  In KS2, teaching assistants are allocated wherever the need is.

We live out of borough, can you share any statistics on the success of out of borough applications for the reception year please?

We do not have that exact information.  In the event of oversubscription, distance from the school will be considered – distance is measured by straight-line and not by borough boundaries.  For example, a child who lives the other side of Bexley Village in Dartford would potentially live closer to the school than a child who lives north of the borough say in Thamesmead and would be placed higher on a waiting list.  This is different to allocation of nursery places where Bexley residents are offered places before children who live outside of the borough.  A full explanation of our oversubscription criteria can be found in the Admission to Primary Schools in Bexley booklet.

I'm concerned about my child's use of social media

We pass on information and guidance to parents on online safety in our fortnightly newsletters.  Our online safety page of this website also provides links to useful website which all offer advice.