Curriculum Subjects
Our curriculum aims to:
- provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that is coherently planned and sequenced
- towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills, future learning and employment;
- ensure that pupils develop essential literacy and numeracy skills;
- provide pupils with a full and rounded entitlement to learning;
- foster pupils' creativity and develop essential skills for learning;
- promote a healthy lifestyle; oequip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life;
- inspire pupils to a commitment to learning which will last a lifetime;
- promote high standards in all learning and teaching.
These curriculum aims are underpinned by our curriculum drivers: reading, diversity, fellowship, accessibility, enquiry and creativity.
Our curriculum provides plenty of opportunities for our drivers to be woven through all subjects and teaching and learning. Each subject has carefully selected concepts that act as a golden thread weaving learning together from EYFS to Year 6. These concepts ensure our curriculum is progressive, well-sequenced and contains purposefully planned opportunities for retrieval of prior learning.
Our school curriculum follows the National Curriculum but has been designed using the school’s legal freedoms as an academy. It is balanced and broadly based, and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils and of society and prepares our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Our curriculum is diverse and one in which differences are celebrated. It enables all pupils to understand the benefits that exist in a society where diversity and differences are valued and celebrated. Our school ethos states that we aim to help the children in our care become self-confident and independent individuals who respect all members of the school community and recognise their growing responsibilities as citizens. School policies and procedures support our aim of providing equality of opportunity for all and making the curriculum accessible to all pupils as far as is reasonably practicable.
Our Early Years department follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, assessing children against the seven areas of learning outlined in the document and completing the Early Years Profile.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, the curriculum is delivered through the teaching of discrete subjects; English, mathematics, science, history, geography, computing, music, art, design and technology, physical education, PSHREE and French (MFL). English and mathematics lessons are taught daily. All other subjects are organised into half termly topics and taught weekly or fortnightly.
To the right of this page please find details of the school curriculum, a description of what we intend to teach all children through the different curriculum areas as well as an overview of the subject across the school.
For more information about our curriculum please contact Mrs N Stratford via the school office.
our curriculum drivers pptx.pdf
hurst subject concepts 2022.pdf