Role of the Governing Body
What does the governing body do?
Governors work closely with their Head Teachers and Senior Leadership Teams to support their schools’ ongoing development and improvement. The governing body does not have responsibility for the day to day running of the school – that falls to the Head Teacher. The governing body is held responsible for raising standards, setting the school’s strategic direction, and ensuring accountability. In doing so, governors act as a ‘critical friend’ to the school, offering advice and challenge where necessary.
In reality, this translates to governors attending termly meetings of the full governing body and their relevant committees, and getting involved in detailed work including the analysis of pupil performance data, reviewing school policies on issues such as Health and Safety, and undertaking visits to the school to see teaching and learning in action.
Who can become a governor?
Anyone over 18 can become a school governor.
What skills do governors need?
You don’t need special qualifications to be a governor, but qualities such as enthusiasm, commitment, and an interest in making a difference to children’s lives are essential!
What benefits are there to becoming a governor?
Becoming a governor is a serious commitment, but it can also be extremely rewarding. You get a real sense of satisfaction seeing the children in your community benefit from your efforts, you get to work with a wide range of people, and you gain an insight into how schools and the education system as a whole operates. You also have the opportunity to develop new skills and strengthen existing ones, both through governor meetings and through the range of training that all governors are encouraged to participate in.
The Governing Body’s Work
It would be impossible to cover all of the governing body’s business in just one meeting a term. So the governing body splits itself into three key committees – Curriculum, Finance and General Management, and Staffing – where more detailed discussions can take place. In addition to these committees, there are smaller, more specific committees that are only convened when they are required. Some governors also have a specific responsibility to act as a link with the school on a key area of interest. Details of those committees and the specific interest governors are below.
Chair of Governing Body
Mrs C Sharp
Vice Chair of Governing Body
Mr W Valentine
Mrs C Sharp
Full Governing Body
Mrs C Sharp - Chair
Mr W Valentine – Vice Chair
Ms C Longley – Head Teacher
Mrs C Mortimer – Staff
Mrs S Bailey – Staff
Mrs C Sharp – Community
Mr W Valentine – Community
Miss C Farley - Community
Mrs K Pecover – Community
Mr N Lake - Community
Mrs M Hunt – Parent
Mrs K Marshall – Parent
Mrs A Van Heerden – Parent
Governors may be called upon to sit on a panel when required
Designated Safeguarding Governor
Mrs C Sharp
Lead Governor for Filtering and Monitoring
Mr W Valentine
Mrs K Marshall and Mrs C Sharp
Pupil Premium
Mrs K Marshall
Curriculum Committee
Mrs K Marshall (Chair)
Ms C Longley - Head Teacher
Mrs C Mortimer
Mrs S Bailey
Mrs C Sharp
Mrs C Farley
Mrs K Pecover
Mr N Lake
Finance, Premises and Audit Committee
Mrs A Van Heerden (Chair)
Ms C Longley - Head Teacher
Mrs C Mortimer
Mrs M Hunt
Mrs S Bailey
Staffing Committee
Mr W Valentine (Chair)
Ms C Longley - Head Teacher
Mrs M Hunt
Mrs K Pecover
Mrs C Sharp
Pay Committee
Mr W Valentine (Chair)
Ms C Longley - Head Teacher
Mrs C Sharp
Mrs K Pecover
Miss C Farley